Prayer is essential for every church family.
Our team of dedicated prayer warriors is responsible for integrating prayer into the life of the church and church calendar. This includes our annual 10 Days of Prayer and a quarterly Day of Prayer & Fasting.
Our Prayer Support Team lifts up the personal requests of our church family, neighbors, and friends. Prayer requests written on cards and submitted during the worship service are prayed for by the team throughout the week. If you are in need of prayer, you can submit your request to the prayer team by email at southwestprayer@comcast.net. If you would like someone to contact you, please indicate and provide your phone number or email address.
Weekly Prayer and Bible Study Meetings
We are not currently meeting, but hope to return soon.
Organized Special Events throughout the Year
As today's disciples, we share the gospel as well as witness to others. It's essential that all of our brothers and sisters have a correct understanding of the true character of God. When we listen to their stories, we can appreciate their perspective. This helps us to bridge many barriers and lead them to the truth as it is in Christ. We occasionally have special presentations following our fellowship meals. Check the calendar for upcoming events.